Survival 101: What Will Kill You First?
The fundamental priorities of survival are quite simple, and whether you’re interest lies in disaster preparedness, prepping, or wilderness survival, the basics are the same

First Steps to Prepping: Prepping 101
Here are twelve simple things you can do to get started prepping and to improve your family’s emergency readiness

Seven Emergency Kit Essentials
Taking the time to think about the five or ten most important items in your emergency kit is an instructive exercise. These seven items are a powerful starting point for your emergency kit and are equally useful in the wilderness or an emergency shelter

Water Storage Project
Water storage is an important first step for preppers, especially in the desert. The big question is how to store enough water for a family. [&hellip

Self Reliance Assessment
Self reliance is more than shoving a couple of cases of MREs under the bed. Sometimes it’s nice to get a measure of where you [&hellip

Self Reliance Mindset
Your mind is the most important tool in your self reliance tool box. No matter how much gear you buy or food you store, no [&hellip

Food Storage: MREs, Freeze Dried or Real Food?
Once you answer the question “Should I store food for emergencies?”, the next challenge is, “What kind of food should I store?”. In a perfect world, [&hellip

What is Self Reliance?
Defining self reliance is tricky. It’s a bit like defining love or success. They mean different things to each of us. Self reliance is best [&hellip

Emergency Water Storage Basics
You’ve completed your emergency plan, you’ve figured out your budget, and you’re ready to get started prepping. What do you do first? Buy food? Get [&hellip

Best Guns for Women
I see searches related to “the best gun for women” almost daily on this site. In some ways, I find this troubling. It’s as if [&hellip