Night Shooting
Night shooting is an important tool in our self defense arsenal, unfortunately it is also a very perishable skill

Self Reliance Assessment
Self reliance is more than shoving a couple of cases of MREs under the bed. Sometimes it’s nice to get a measure of where you [&hellip

Best Guns for Women
I see searches related to “the best gun for women” almost daily on this site. In some ways, I find this troubling. It’s as if [&hellip

Scored Shooting Drill #1
To master a skill it is helpful to know where you started and where you are. By measuring your progress you are better able to [&hellip

Tucson Shooting Ranges
I get a lot of calls and searches concerning gun ranges in Tucson. FMI does not have their own range at this time, however there [&hellip

Dry Fire Training
My ongoing snubbie experiment has reinforced my belief that dry fire training should be a significant part of any shooter’s training program. Dry firing is [&hellip

The Search for the Perfect Concealed Carry Pistol; Smaller isn’t Always Better
I call them “cute” guns. You’ve seen them and probably own a couple. They are the guns that new shooters always seem to be drawn [&hellip

Consolidated Arizona Training
FMI is proud to announce that we have joined with Independence Firearms Training (Prescott, AZ) to form Consolidated Arizona Training (CAT). CAT was created to [&hellip

Training With a Purpose
When I go to the range and watch the other shooters, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Most of their targets look like someone took a shotgun to them with shots scattered over every square inch. These people aren’t practicing, they are just throwing money downrange. It is important that you train with a purpose

Do You Still Need a CCW Permit in Arizona?
Now that the Governor has passed the Constitutional Carry Bill in Arizona, that means you don’t need to bother getting a CCW permit. Right? Maybe [&hellip